EDGE Traction Spray…Do You Use It?

EDGE Traction Spray…Do You Use It?

You see it hyped on Instagram. You heard about athletes using it on their basketball shoes during the 2024 Paris Olympics. Does it work? Is it worth the price? Most people seem to believe that it is worth it and they say it does work.

Edge Traction Spray seems to work best on hardwood courts that have been used for basketball and volleyball. Though boxing, basketball, pickleball, racquetball, squash, volleyball, futsal, fencing, rock climbing, and dance have athletes bragging about its effectiveness, when I went online, I found mostly basketball, volleyball and fencers discussing it on sites like Reddit and Instagram. I could not believe how many posts I saw from fencing clubs that are using it and partnering with the company to give discounts to their members.

It seems to last longer than the traditional “sticky mat” most people have grown up using, like Slipp-Not.  It also seems to be less expensive per use that the traditional peel-off mats. Even though a 2-ounce bottle runs about $35.00, the large sticky mat form Slipp-Not runs about $220.00 and comes with a set of tear-off sticky sheets, but refills run about $224 for 180 replacements sheets of $1.24 per sheet. Most volleyball players were getting a squirt per shoe, per practice/match and that was getting them through. With multiple use build up of the substance, players were actually finding their shoes to stay tacky longer – so the estimated cost was coming on around $0.72 per squirt, with bottles lasting 2-4 months depending on the athlete’s schedule. The small 2-ounce bottle is also easier to travel with than a large mat. Edge Traction Spray also comes in packages of one-time wipes.

I know that you still see athletes using their hands, or a towel, or their socks to wipe dust and debris off their soles, trying to gain traction during play…though these practices don’t cost you, they definitely are not as long lasting as either the old sticky mat and the new spray.

If you use any of the aforementioned products or methods and want to send us a picture of you and your product/method to us at galleryt@fit2win.com we will post it.

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